JUMUN 2019
Useful Information
- The Application fee is Rs. 1200 for Single Delegation and Rs. 2400 for Double Delegation.
- The accommodation fees for JUMUN 2019 is Rs. 1500. (Transportation to and fro from accommodation will be provided)
- Applicants are requested to consult the matrices.
- For the UNSC, the application fee is Rs. 600. There will be no cash prizes in this committee. However, if anyone is facing financial constraints in paying the nominal fee required for attending the conference, they are encouraged to contact us for a possible waiver of the fee.
- Delegate structure:
- DISEC - Single/Double delegation
- UNHCR - Single/Double delegation
- Seneca Falls Conference - Single/Double delegation
- UNCTAD - Single/Double delegation
- Lok Sabha - Single delegation
- UNSC - Single delegation
- ASECS - Single delegation
- International Press (Reporter) - Single delegation
- International Press (Photographer) - Single delegation
- Rs. 5 will be donated from each Delegate Payment for our Civil Society Initiative.
- International Delegate Fees is $60.